Sunday, September 13, 2009

birthday cake

Living in Minneapolis is fantastic.   

I'm currently looking for a church.

I have experienced many awkward things in the past two weeks.  

I just watched "Sixteen Candles" for the 1,098,340,932th time.  

I bought this bracelet at a vintage clothing store and it has turned my wrist green a few times but it washes right off. 

I have a this new friend (Ashley) and she is a ginger.  And I love her.

Ikea has satisfied my many needs.  And I'm totally ok with that.

I made it into Chorale.  It's kinda a joke.. but hopefully it gets better.

My love for Jesus is growing greater and greater each day.   

I miss St. Cloud and my dog.

I found names for my children.   Girls: Parks Madison. Rubee Lea.  Boys: Taebor Phillip. Josiah James.

I need a haircut.

I'm still addicted to Coke.

I have a beautiful view of Elliot Park and I can see the moon through the window when I am in my bed.  

The end.