Wednesday, June 23, 2010

blogs are silly

no, seriously! they are.  my blogs in particular are ESPECIALLY silly.  I just read a bunch of old blogs and I'm literally laughing at my stupidity.  Oh well, maybe that's what blogging is for- to make fun of yourself after the fact.
It's raining.  I'm ok with it.  I'm craving a good cup of coffee.  Lately coffee has been making me sick though.  Scratch that.  Decaf doesn't make me sick.. but I'm always so embarassed to ask for decaf.  Me: "Oh, could I actually get that decaf?" Barista: "Haha, are you kidding me? What's the point?" Me: "Oh, uh, nevermind then." And then I usually fall over and die.. and come back to life in about 15 seconds. 

do you see what i mean, silly?
