Friday, March 26, 2010

Because I am incredibly bored on a Friday night.

About 3 1/2 weeks ago I started to get really sick.  It started off with just a mild sore throat and then it just became more and more severe.  I went to the doctor and he was certain that it was Strep Throat .. but the results came back negative.  They told me to go home and take Ibuprofin.   About a week after I was sick I started to feel a little better but I was still drained of energy and was constantly sleeping.  I left for New York (this was about 2 1/2 weeks ago) and I had a great time... looking back now I remember being extremely tired the whole time.. but I forced myself to stay awake for the city.  My sore throat snuck up on me some times.. but I just figured it was because I was singing so much.  So choir tour finally ended and as soon as I got home I crashed. And I crashed hard.  Aside from going to my classes I think I slept all day Monday and Tuesday.. but I just figured that I was tired from tour.  Wednesday was a different story.  I woke up to my alarm (at 7:00) and and I literally could not get out of bed.  I was soo sick, sooo tired, and incredibly weak.  So I stayed in bed all day Wednesday.  And thursday.  And Friday.  Saturday I finally started to feel better .. but I still slept all day.  Sunday was about the same thing.  My mom kept asking me if I should go to the doctor but I thought it was just a flu.. and the doctors can't really do anything for that.  By Monday I was so sick of being "sick" I decided to just do all of my daily-doings.  Mondays are full days for me.. but everything went fine.  I got done at about six.. ate a few morsels of food and crashed.  The next 2 days were like this too.  I would do my stuff during the day and then crash at about 6.  On Wednesday (this would be two days ago) I woke up realllllly sick again.  My sore throat had came back for a visit and I had this terrible headache.  I ending up going to the ER (my only option) .. it was the worst experience of my life.  First of all, I hate HCMC.  It is the worst hospital in the history of the world.. they have terrible service and I feel like I know more than most of the staff there.  I spent FIVE hours in the hospital.. by myself.. the closest to death I've ever felt (well, obviously it wasn't THAT bad.. but I've never been really sick before) It was just a terrible experience.  And I'm sure it cost a fortune.. they gave me two IVs and two doses of some medicine that I can't remember the name of.  And to top it all off they diagnosed me with mono.

So yesterday my Dad picked me up and here I am, at my house, bored out of my mind.  I just took a shower and i thought blogging might keep me a little occupied.  So I'm going to just try to document the things I've been doing.

I woke up.
My throat has been KILLING me all day.
The morning was rough.
I ate a bowl of cereal and wasn't extremely full afterwards (a huge step.. I haven't really eaten much of anything for the past 3 weeks)
My brothers were really nice to me .. (a first?) .. Jake made nachos.  I ate some.  It hurt like HELL but I knew that they would eventually make me feel better.
I drank a lot of water (also a huge accomplishment.. it's hard for me to stay hydrated when I'm ill)
I took ibuprofin.
I started to feel better.
I watched tv ALL day.
I at a slice and a half of pizza (probably the most i've eaten since, well.. a long time.)
I watched "Up in the Air" .. loved it.  Watch it.
I took a shower.
And that's it.   I hope I can accomplish more tomorrow.

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