Tuesday, March 30, 2010

day 34?

Ughhhhh, my body will not heal.
I'm so tired of sitting all by myself all day long!  I've accomplished nothing ... and I honestly don't even feel any improvement in my health.

I've watched a few movies:
Iron Jawed Angels - terrible.  I couldn't even finish it.
Balibo 5 - It was decent.  It's an Australian film (.. someone from Australia may have recommended it to me :) ) and it's about these 5 Australian journalists who went to Timor to film what was happening there at the time (1975- the Indonesians were trying to take over their country.. killing thousands of people) He told me I should've cried.. but I didn't.  I feel kind of terrible actually for not crying... but it just didn't seem that sad to me! Oops.

More to come.  Soon.

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