Thursday, May 13, 2010

this is what happens when i can't find my notebook.

I don't like it when people try to "solve" my problems.  I choose to forget about things/people/situations.  It's easier that way. Don't like it? Deal with it.  You "feel like you've lost me?"  Your fault.  You've given up practically everything that's good in life? I don't care.  It doesn't impress me.  I don't live in Minneapolis anymore.  I am choosing to forget about everything .. everything except two people that would never scorn me for not reading my bible daily or get mad at me for skipping chapel. Christians now make me sick.  Well, those Christians...  I don't mean anything to you.  I'm not "good" enough for you.  All you do is criticize me.  Leave me alone?

my goodness, i'm on a rage...

i'm a terrible person.  but sometimes when you wanna forget you have to be...


  1. let it die and let it be. love you. <3

  2. Oh I definitely will Emily. I definitely will.
    Love you as well!

  3. I hopped on blogger for the first time in monnnnnnths. All I wanted to say is welcome back to the area. We've got trees, we've got rivers, and we've got grass. Enjoy your stay while you're staying!

  4. Haha, thanks Dave! Sorry for this angry blog- I quickly got over it and have been happy ever since. Plus, my parents are in Mexico as of this morning! Freedom is mine! Woo! But yeah, it's great to be back! I ran into Steve (Ruprecht) at Thomsen's about a week ago. He said we should all play together sometime. I'd be totally down if you are. I move into my apartment on June 1st so we should probably do that soon!
