Monday, October 26, 2009

my future?

Making cds for people: awesome.
Coloring on the cds: even more awesome.
Making cds and coloring on them AND finding out they don't work and getting to keep them for yourself and putting them on your wall?  FREAKIN awesome.

Eeek.  I need to study.  Curse this bloody internet for destroying my plans of being studious.


  1. Your future should involve taking a poo on depot (pronounced: dee-pot) and going to see the show with me. :).

    ps. That CD looks pretty cool, especially when it's on your face like the borg or star wars or something.

  2. Yes, I did.
    I thought it would cooler. And since it didn't work I figured why not?

  3. Oh, I thought they didn't work because you colored on the data side, not because of some other reason.

    Excuse my douche-y-ness. Hope Ben Folds is great.

  4. Oh. Yeah, no.
    Ben Folds is great, was great, and forever will be great.
