Tuesday, December 29, 2009

bad grammar and thoughts on the future

hmm it's been a while since I have blogged (like a week?)

I'm changing my major back to music ed (AGAIN!)  ... Every day since I changed my major from music ed to vocal performance I make myself sick worrying about how I'm going to be able to survive, etc.  So I just decided to go back to music ed.. even though it's not a very promising field I'll have better luck finding a job.  And it will be more fun and rewarding too.  Haha.  I'll graduate a year later than I thought I would though.. What a joke.

And hopefully I'm transferring as soon as this summer to the U (hopefully--the fingers are crossed.)  If I don't get accepted then I'm not sure what I'll do.  Stay at north central, I guess.  I have about 2 years left after this year (suck.  I hate education classes.  and north central!)  At least when I graduate I can go straight into working instead of potentially going to grad school right away.

And I also thought about perhaps adding another major.. it would probably be history.  I've always really enjoyed history.  Although I have never actually taken a college history class I have taken Music History and that was hands down my favorite class of all time.  It's still up in the air but I figure if I have history major and a music major I could teach both.. and that would be well, perfect.  Hello jobs.......

So now I wait for the U to get back to me (probably like 2 months.. ugh!)  I'm praying that they accept me!  I would be soooo thankful to get out of north central!

that's it.  I'm boring, I know.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Once upon a time, I wanted to know what love was.  Love is there, if you want it to be.  You just have to see, that it's wrapped in beauty, and hidden away between the seconds of your life.  If you don't stop for a minute, you might miss it."

with all of this time on my hands...


Monday, December 21, 2009

the go-getter

I liked this movie.  A lot.

M. Ward AND Zo0ey Deschanel?? Yes please.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Finals are over. Christmas is approaching. I could potentially read twilight all day. Gracie will soon be in my arms. I'm listening to Margot and wearing my favorite shirt.

It's just a good day. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

na na na na nananananana

I'm studying for my new testament final.  I just flipped to Jude in my bible (to start studying) .. all of a sudden "Hey Jude" starts playing on my ipod........


Sunday, December 13, 2009

my first cue to run

i hope home will bring me more joy than this poop hole.

...doubt it.

I'm moving to China.  Bye.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Words of Truth

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

if it weren't for studying I would've never stumbled upon this:

 "I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not "mine," but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that."

Amen, sister friend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My lovely friend Emily and I. :)
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Love love love
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The atlantic was born to day..


For three months all of these emotions, feelings, whatever-you-want-to-call-it's have been hovering around me like a black cloud.  From the moment I arrived in Minneapolis I was a mess.   I was so excited to come here.  I was just itching to get out of my house to finally be away from my parents, my jobs, and even some of my friends.  It was an opportunity for me to start a totally new life - a life free of sinful things and all of my regrets.  In my mind everything was going to be perfect when I started this "new life."  I would be surrounded by Christian people, Christian traditions, Christian rules, Christian music, Christian clothes - all things that I actually enjoyed (pre-northcentral.)  I was stoked.  Truly.  So why did my opinion change drastically the moment I stepped foot in the doors of Miller Hall?

Things went dramatically down hill from there obviously.  Three months of absolute hell.  The details are irrelevant at this point.  Everything is just a blur to me anyways.  Never in my life have I ever felt so alone.  No one can see my point of view.  Everyone just tells me I need to lose my attitude.  Or as my good friend said the other day "You need to read your bible fifteen minutes a day and pray fifteen minutes a day and go to chapel every day and journal fifteen minutes a day." But is that really what I need?  Will those things really help me?  Not a day has gone by without me begging God to change something.  Change my attitude, change my opinions, change anything.  I just need something to get me out of this hole because I just keep digging deeper and deeper...

Today I had a slight epiphany.
I was thinking to myself this afternoon that I had a really good week.
*Some drama had died down with a couple of friends and I could actually look my friends in the eyes.
*I got together with an old friend a few times and we had an amazing time together (uptown love!!!)  I know that I'm having a good time when I almost pee my pants.  It was so great to see her again.  She is a sister to me, full of love and compassion and such a beautiful heart.  I am so thankful she lives so close.  I can actually see God blessing her -- she reflects His love!
*It's the week before finals.  I prayed a few times for God to just give me a calm spirit and to just give me the courage to just persist through everything.  Voice juries are TOMORROW.  And I'm blogging.  Yeah, I'm definitely calm.  Weird how some things work....
*I got into a huge fight with my closet friend here (I won't give names).  It took a huge toll on me.  He made me extremely upset.  But then we talked again.   And things got better.  A whole lot better.  I suppose that could be a whole different blog....
*I got a job but then they called me and told me they couldn't hire me until maybe after break. Oh well.  Calm spirit?
And most importantly:
*My smile is slowly coming back.  Today while I was walking to Mensing in the blistering cold wintery weather I realized how beautiful the snow actually is.  I was constantly looking at my feet while I was walking and I began to slowly trip out.  Maybe it was just today but it seemed like the snow was extra glittery.   I was in awe.  Such a beautiful creation by a beautiful creator...... Also, I actually talked to some girls in choir today and it wasn't even bad. And I smiled at a lot of people .. and I didn't have to force it!  ..My guitar lesson was great.  Kevin made me sing and play my song that I have to sing for Christmas Eve and it made me feel just so comfortable... haven't had that feeling in oh, maybe three months.

Back to the epiphany:
I was sitting in New Testament this morning at eight o fricking crack of dawn clock and a thought popped into my head.  People Serving People.  What?  And then I thought some more.  Oh yes, the weekend long mission trip to MPLS when I was in 10th grade.  And then another thought popped into my head.  About two months ago I was at Nick's house and he mentioned walking past the People Serving People building downtown.  And then another thought: should I volunteer there? Yes.  So I filled out a huge application and got an email about an hour later.  "We are currently booked for the month of December.  Email us in January and we can set up a time to tour the facility and assign you to something."  Glory!!!!!  This could be exactly what I need.  I read on their website that 2/3 of the people that they house are children.  That broke my heart.  It was -8 last night.  Just think of all the children on the streets of Minneapolis right now.... Maybe this is God telling me to start my own homeless shelter....
Oh the thoughts that go through my head.

Anyways.  I hadn't intended on writing a blog more that one paragraph.  This is originally what I was going to write.
My friend Tony talked to me at dinner tonight.  He told me the news that he was moving to Kansas City next thursday to do an internship with IHOP.  I expressed my feelings to him about how I would love to just get all my stuff and just move somewhere.  Then I realized that that is essentially what I did.  He took one look at me and said, "Wherever you go, there you'll be."

I can't run away from my problems.  No matter where I go they will be with me forever.
Wherever I go, there I am.  Wherever I go, there I am.   Minneapolis.  Minneapolis.   Minneapolis.  I'm here for a reason.  I'm here in Minneapolis at this school for a reason.
For reasons.  
For something..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When I was in the 9th grade I worked at Big D's Take and Bake Pizza.  We would get these huge bags of cheese and we would always have to pound the bags to get rid of the clumps in the cheese.  Everyone hated doing this but I loved it.  It was a way to express my anger.  Just punch the bag as hard as you can and watch your anger just fly out of your skin.   I soooo wish I had a bag of cheese to pound right now.


Is it really necessary?  We only have one life to live.. why can't people start loving each other?


Nothing has ever been more satisfying...
...than deleting my facebook.

Even though I miss the status updates I am sure I will survive.

Keisha Lynn Held is finally breathing again with the help of not one but two B complexes today.

My piano awaits me....