Monday, December 21, 2009

the go-getter

I liked this movie.  A lot.

M. Ward AND Zo0ey Deschanel?? Yes please.


  1. Thank you for recommending this movie!! freakin awesome, and a little Elliot Smith in there, yes please!

    Same actor for Thumbsucker, which is kind of a similar vibe movie for some reason (way different) It's alright, about teen-angst and things like that.

  2. No problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :) I downloaded thumbsucker.. will probably watch that tonight or tomorrow if we end up going to nd. (we were supposed to go today but couldn't because of the weather!)

    By the way.. My parents bought me tickets to Benjamin Gibbard/Jay Farrar and Jack's Mannequin, FUN., and Vedera (not a big fan of Jack's Mann.... but FUN.!!!) You should come!

    Annnd I got a record player for xmas... and I just purchased 6 records (not animal, postal service - give up, abbey road, bon iver- for emma forever ago, vampire weekend self titled, and bright eyes-i'm wide awake it's morning) Can't wait!!!!

    Hope your christmas was merry!

  3. I got a comforter, and pillows...I'm not complaining at all haha.

    Good call on the albums!! I hope you are buying from amazon, free shipping if you spend more than 30$, and they have good priced new vinyl... ANDD you picked out a lot of my favorites! Vamp Weekend, Postal Service one comes with a lot of extra covers and stuff (has the iron and wine cover, and a couple other freeeeakin awesome ones!) Gosh, I love vinyl, I know you will too...the voices just come to life and will give you multiple orgasms. The fun. one is only 13.99, but it was out of stock last time I checked (Awhile ago) but that is next on my list...

    I'll totally go to some shows!

    Happy Birthday Jesus!
