Tuesday, December 29, 2009

bad grammar and thoughts on the future

hmm it's been a while since I have blogged (like a week?)

I'm changing my major back to music ed (AGAIN!)  ... Every day since I changed my major from music ed to vocal performance I make myself sick worrying about how I'm going to be able to survive, etc.  So I just decided to go back to music ed.. even though it's not a very promising field I'll have better luck finding a job.  And it will be more fun and rewarding too.  Haha.  I'll graduate a year later than I thought I would though.. What a joke.

And hopefully I'm transferring as soon as this summer to the U (hopefully--the fingers are crossed.)  If I don't get accepted then I'm not sure what I'll do.  Stay at north central, I guess.  I have about 2 years left after this year (suck.  I hate education classes.  and north central!)  At least when I graduate I can go straight into working instead of potentially going to grad school right away.

And I also thought about perhaps adding another major.. it would probably be history.  I've always really enjoyed history.  Although I have never actually taken a college history class I have taken Music History and that was hands down my favorite class of all time.  It's still up in the air but I figure if I have history major and a music major I could teach both.. and that would be well, perfect.  Hello jobs.......

So now I wait for the U to get back to me (probably like 2 months.. ugh!)  I'm praying that they accept me!  I would be soooo thankful to get out of north central!

that's it.  I'm boring, I know.

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