Friday, August 7, 2009

I dip, you dip.

Matthew 6:34 says "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." This is something I have been pondering for quite some time. Our world, America in particular, seems to be moving so fast. Gotta go here, gotta do this, gotta see this person, gotta buy this.. it never ends. We are constantly moving. I'm constantly moving! Sometimes I feel like I'm on auto pilot. I just press a button and bam my day goes by in a flash. Sometimes I don't even remember driving to work in the morning (now that is scary.) Sometimes I'll have a conversation with someone and completely forget I even talked to them an hour later. I'm so focused on what I need to do next, what I need to get done, and where I need to go next.

I have always been like this.. I spread myself way too thin. It would be a lot easier if things didn't bother me. I wish I was a "go-with-the-flow" sort of person, but I'm not. It has definitely been a struggle of mine. I try to please everyone but sometimes when you have so many things to do its hard to make everyone happy. I find myself so many times focusing on things that I really shouldn't be focusing on. I worry all the time. It runs in my family.. but I don't think that is an excuse. Give your ENTIRE attention to what God is doing now. ENTIRE. Do you know what that means? I like to think I do .. but entire?

Now I have had plenty of up's and down's in my faith. There have been times where I have been completely on top of my game. Praying all the time, having a pretty intense relationship with God-- my focus was dead on. And God blessed me during these times. I asked, He gave. Seriously. Prayer is SO powerful .. but that's another story. But there have also been plenty of times when I have been lower than low.. not praying and definitely not listening to what God was trying to tell me.

My journey has definitely been a rollercoaster. I start going uphill.. getting back in the swing of things, getting higher and higher and seeing even more great things, then I get to the top and its awesome, but then I lose focus, I fall down. It's constantly like that for me. What would happen if we could be more like a train? or a monorail? If we could put our ENTIRE focus on what God is doing for us. If we could just open our ears and our eyes and LISTEN to what He is telling us all the time. Not just at the top of the rollercoaster, but at ALL times. Don't worry about tomorrow, God will take care of it. He has a plan for all of us, He really does.

Some people put their faith in other people. Some people put their faith in substances. Some people put their faith in money. The list goes on and on. Put your ENTIRE faith in God. Try it. Open your ears. Listen. Open your eyes. See. See what He's doing in other people's lives, your life. Hear what God is telling you .. it could be something extraordinary! You may think that He's not there, but He's been with you your whole life and will continue to lead you the rest of the way. Trust in that.


  1. This is well said Keisha! I can read there is lots of emotion in here, which is always good for writing... Putting your entire faith in any one thing is hard to do because it's such a balls-to-the-wall way, it's buying 1 lottery ticket...

    Something I discovered not long ago was that: Lets say even in the afterlife there is no heaven...If you've devoted your life to god/teachings of Jesus, which is love compassion, forgiveness, etc. All amazing things, which will carry on after you're dead and will start to make more a heaven here...
    We have to keep living in the moment, the best way possible, and for me it seems like the most fluid way I can do that with having a positive outlook is by following Jesus; I don't know why, but it just feels most resonant for me.

    We'll have to talk more, I've gotttaaa gooo (already late! eep).

  2. Yeah, I don't know. When I got home last night (at like 1) I opened my bible to this random verse and it was talking about how like in order to like live freely and stuff we need to smooth out the stuff that we have going on inside of us. Forgive ourselves I guess..let go of our past, etc-- it was really good. Anyway I tried to find that verse (I knew it was somewhere in Matthew) but I stumbled upon that verse and had a revelation. And I'm bored at work like usual.

    I totally have faith that Heaven really exists (after we're done here on earth) because that's basically what we're working for. Even though life here on earth is great.. it's just a tiny spot on eternity (which could potentially be spent in heaven!!!!!) but yes, I think that even if you don't believe in that stuff Jesus is the perfect person to follow. Just wait til you read irresistable revolution. Ohhhh boy then you'll really see what Jesus was like. ahhh I'm so excited for you!

  3. The forgiving ourselves is one of the biggest things, I think. It has been something I've tried to do my whole life, and have sort of got there, but something was always lacking and the presence of guilt, or whatever bad feeling was left over, was still there...When I gave myself forgiveness with god it finally felt like something was much more right about it.

    A tiny spot in eternity is an eternity in itself.

    I really took in the words of Rob Bell when he said, "Live like this is Heaven, here and now." (or something to that extent.)
