Sunday, August 2, 2009

if you love her, let her go.

Ah, the sweet smell of Sunday evenings...  My weekend was quite pleasant, probably the most relaxed weekend I have had since Christmas break.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't anything special... I really did nothing.  But it was nice to just catch up on my sleep and rejuvinate a bit.  Friday night I was so bored I went to bed at 10:00 pm and woke up the next morning at 11:30.   Yeah, that felt good.  I awoke to the sound of my mom vacuuming (for those of you who don't know there is a giant hole in my wall but that is another story).   I knew that I had to get my butt out of bed so I could start cleaning because we had company coming over in two hours (they were going to stay in my bedroom.)  My room is always a giant disaster.  A giant, beautiful disaster.  I find it beautiful because I can find anything I'm looking for when my room is messy.  However when it is "spick and span" clean I can't find anything.   Anyway since I willfully gave up my room to our guests I packed up my essentials for sleeping as I cleaned up my room.   These essentials were my two pillows (which somehow were given to the son of our two guests ... and then I made my brother wake him up to get them from him and we gave him different pillows-- I'm terrible, I know!)  my clothes for the next day (had to get up early for church) my down comforters (yes "s")  my cell phone charger (duh) and last but not least (actually the most important) my fan.   

Now here's the story about my fan:  thanks to Luther Crest Bible Camp I am and forever will be addicted to sleeping with a fan on which, by all means, is no problem for me.  I find the sound very soothing; it eases my mind and gets those songs out of my head so I can fall asleep peacefully.  About mid-May of this year I came across a really cute fan at target for a fairly cheap price.  It's very small (perfect for traveling.) and it is stainless steal (only the best, right?)  Well when I brought it home I just decided to never turn it off.   Worst decision of my life.   But that's just one extra thing to do in the morning.   Well, needless to say I paid for this decision.  When I went to unplug my fan I noticed that it was EXTREMELY dusty (yeah, gross.)  so I cleaned it off.   

Fast forward to last night ... I didn't actually use my fan because I thought there was enough noise in the living room to ease my mind.  Fast forward to one hour ago.... I plug in my fan, it doesn't work.  Like at all.  Fast forward to now... I feel air blowing on my toes.  Could this be?? no.... I put my hand out and feel a cool breeze.  No freeaking way .. my fan works.  THANK YOU.  I just spent all this time writing about nothing.... ahhhhhhhhh.   


  1. There's nothing worse than trying to sleep in a totally silent environment. I'm currently rocking a window fan.

    I always tell myself that I'll be a neat person one day, but I haven't met that older version of me yet. I've got my basket for clothes right here, and yet dirty laundry always seems to end up on the floor.

    And, holy cow, you weren't kidding. I got pretty tired of Switchfoot after The Beautiful Letdown, but that song has such a bittersweet melancholy flavor.

  2. Yeah, I downloaded all four of his ep's and am definitely satisfied. holy hannah!

  3. Amos' amoral alliterations!

    I got nothing.

  4. Perry's precious pootermobile pwns Peisha.

    Sorry if all this nonsense is delegitimizing your blog (but I doubt anyone was going to read it anyway ~_^)

  5. I enjoyed you're writing... Nothing is nothing, so even nothing is something.

    One of the most chaotic things is when you want silence in your head, but it's just crowded with thoughts and music.

  6. If you love her, let her go.

  7. yeah, don't you love that? i was saying that to my fan but then it decided to work again. :)
