Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I have nothing to write about. My life is boring. All I do is work and sleep and occasionally go on my computer. So I really don't have anything exciting to talk about. It is really quite stupid! Right now I am at work. All of my coworkers are in a meeting. I just heard them talking about me. That's cool. Ha. I hate Wednesdays. Always have, always will. It would be perfect if there was one more day in the week. This day would have special rules though.. nothing could be planned for this day.. no one (except for people that matter to you) could call you, and you would never be obliged to do ANYTHING. Just a day to catch up, relax, read your favorite Rob Bell book, and play music. Sounds perfect to me. Some day..

I'm going camping on Saturday! For four days! With my youth group! A while ago the guy that planned the trip (one of the dads) told me that I would be in charge of all the devotionals. At the time its seemed like no problem. However this was months ago and I had plenty of time to plan! Well guess who forgot all about it until last night? Me! And guess who has no time between now and Saturday? Me! Guess who's really stupid!? ME! I'm such a procrastinator.. it's beginning to really bug the crap out of me! Why am I writing in this stupid thing.. I should be planning!



  1. I hope you're coworkers are saying nice things! I agree with you're 8th day in the week idea, it does sound perfect... let's start it...I'm sure it will catch on (and it will allow the beatles song to make more sense.)

    I'm not sure if there is anything I can do to help with your planning, but if you think of anything at all, let me know!
    Have a peaceful day through all the chaos; and I'm glad you took the time to write on this stupid thing!

  2. YUP! My day has been pretty good thus far. Turns out my coworkers were planning on taking me out to eat sometime next week in celebration of me switching schools haha. I get so paranoid sometimes!

    I actually did get some planning done today.. I planned four ice-breakers (activities for the kids to get to know eachother better) and then I have 2 1/2 devotionals planned. So only 1 1/2 more devotionals and I'm good to go!

    Soo what Nooma videos are your favorite?

  3. I watched like 6 of them yesterday (In no particular order) so they kind of blended together, but there was only like one or two that was just good, the rest were really amazing... The ones I remember right now were the Fire one (where he talks about the three kinds of love), and the one where he told the story of when he took his baby for that walk when it started to rain.

    Good stuff.

    I'm going to be picking up that book tomorrow because the library closes at 5(when I get off)...but I'll read it as fast as I can comprehend it as well so we might be able to talk about it before you go off to school.

    I am also going to go back out to grand lake tonight, it felt like a perfect place to think.

    ---I'm trying to remember some of the games we played while I was at Camp Foley, but I cannot remember any! arg. Anyways, good luck with the rest of today!

  4. Oh yes, those are among my favorites. You have to watch dust.. thats probably the ultimate for me. Oh yeah the one with the 3 types of love.. he wrote a book about that "sex god".. I started reading it (i have it) it was awesome.. but I never finished it.

    And I finished velvet elvis in like three days.. you'll have no problem I'm sure.

  5. I have seen the Dust one too! It was also really good.

    "Sex God"...sounds interesting...

  6. Yes... it's about spirituality and sex. Pretty cool.. I can't wait to finish it. AHHH there are so many books I need to read.

  7. Your extra day of the week sounds terribly familiar to me.
