Saturday, August 1, 2009

more music to share.

yeah, so I created this because I want to share awesome music with the world.  LOL (or just tyler and dave.)   

Here are my current cravings or in other words what I've been listening to the past couple of days: 

Jukebox the Ghost.   AMAZING band from DC.. I believe there are three of them (keyboard, guitar, drums).  They've got this new sound that I've been liking so much.  I'm not sure how to describe it.. feel-good, poppy, nonsense?  Who knows.  All I know is that it gets my toes a tapping and I'm hooked and I can't stop staring.

Like always:  THE FORMAT.   I've been obsessed for about a year.  Not a big deal.  Too bad they broke up.  UGH.

Ben Folds.   Everyone knows Ben.   I'm going to see him play with the MN orchestra on Halloween (Dave I still owe you money).   Lately I've been listening to "the Bens"  .. Ben Lee, Ben Folds, and Ben Kweller.  Pure Bliss.   Here ya go:
P.S. .. is that a melodica?  

And of course Nickel Creek.   I've been listening to them since like the 4th grade and I'm still going strong.  They broke up too.  SAD.  But they've all got a bunch of new bands.. which I'm going to check out more in detail later.   The thing I like about them is they don't like to classify themselves as "bluegrass" but "progressive" .. or something.  Either way, they are one heck-of-a band.

More to come.   I think its about that time.  (sleep).  


  1. and Vampire Weekend!!!!! I could listen to this song over and over and over and over again. LOVE!

  2. I've never seen the Vampire Weekend video, it's freakin awesome! My favorite part is at the end when everyone starts running, and that one guy just biffs it to the ground. hahahah, amazing.

    Keep up the blogs, I'm curious to see where you go from here being this is an incredible list to start from.
