Saturday, August 1, 2009

People get ready..

Today I had a conversation with Dave about "Christian" music. We both decided that neither of us like the generic stuff on the radio (but then again, who does). Lately I've been on the search for "good" christian music. Music that is intelligent, passionate and well, music that sounds good to my ears. So far I have found nothing. An occasional Bethany Dillon song will keep me happy.. but I haven't came across any thing that I can actually stand listening to for long periods of time.

Anywho, about midway through my conversation with Dave I find this website: and am instantly intriuged. It was actually what inspired me to create this blog. Whowuddathunk.

I began to listen to some of the songs posted.. nothing fabulous but worth listening to more. I scrolled down to the middle of the page and found the gospel section. Now, I am usually not one for gospel (even though I LOVE Jesus...) but since we were on the topic of searching for good Christian music I decided to give it a try. Much to my surprise I was instantly rewarded by the "big mama tone" of Shirley Ann Lee. There is so much conviction in her voice.. and I love the blue-sy tone. There IS a light in my life shining over me! Excellent. And as I listened to the other songs posted I was even more blown away. Sam Cooke's "Were You There" was so different than the common hymn I grew up singing in my church. The soul is so soothing!

Thank you ipickmynose for this brilliant music! In the meantime I will keep searching. And if YOU happen to come across any good Christian music I would definitely appreciate you sharing. Not that anyone will read this. ..


  1. Much of my appreciation for Brave Saint Saturn/Five Iron Frenzy is nostalgia based, but you MIGHT like some of their music:

    Brave Saint Saturn was a side project of Reese Roper (of Five Iron Frenzy). One of things I always liked about his bands is that they talked about social and spiritual issues that most CCM bands didn't have to balls to (manifest destiny, McChristian commercialism, etc). I grew up on this music, so my college educated music brain turns off when I hear some of these cheesy riffs and spotty timbres. But, the lyrics can be universally appreciated I think.

    I get sick of most of CCM worship music almost instantly, it just feels like it's trying to manufacture something you can't produce artificially. Reese's music always comes off as genuine to me.

  2. Tyler,
    this is perfect. Thanks. You know my taste too well (acoustic, guy, girl, and strings.) Amazing! And I agree with everything you said. Oh yeah, I don't really like the second one. Too heavy for me.

  3. Not to mention, a saw solo!

    You are familiar with all these bands, but a lot of their less commercial music is bomb:

    Jars of Clay - Jealous Kind

    Oh My God

    Delirious? - King or Cripple

    Sufjan Stevens - Holy Holy Holy

    Ah, I'm so out of the music scene. Most of this stuff is 5-10 years old. I have a tendency to just listen to a few bands, but pretty much listen to their entire output.

  4. Tyler,
    check out Jon Foreman's EPs. I'm in love. You probably will be too.
